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Kawaii Windows Popup Generator (v1.23) 

For the latest version, please go to

Choose a style and fill in the text boxes to create your kawaii popup/window! The generated image can be saved as PNG or SVG. Size may vary on screen resolution.


Text breaking/wrapping in new line on export
Try full running on full screen or write     instead of using space. Example: 

Buttons breaking/wrapping in new line on exportTry full running on full screen or add new buttons, click export, and remove the ones you don't need again.

 If the solutions aren't working for you, please submit bug a report to

Wrong inline element wrapping is a known issue of dom-to-image. These workarounds may or may not work on other dom-to-image-based projects.

This is the initial version of Kawaii Windows Popup Generator. For the latest version, please go to

Development log


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Can we use the windows we created for things like website layouts?  And can we edit them (like the colors)?  Just curious bc I love this aesthetic!

Yes! You can be as creative as you like and use them for anything~

(1 edit) (+1)

It's amazing, well done.

Keep me updated on any changes you do.

Thank you so much :3